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The Plumbers Your Friends Recommend

Providing Solutions Designed to Fit Your Specific Needs

The Plumbers Your Friends Recommend

Providing Solutions Designed to Fit Your Specific Needs

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Family-Owned & Operated
Tailored Options to Fit Your Budget
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Labor & Material Guaranteed
Fully-Stocked Service Trucks
24/7 Emergency Service
plumber checking p-trap drain

New Lenox, Plainfield & Naperville Plumbers

Serving the Chicago Metropolitan Area for Over 30 Years

Whether you live in an old house or own a newly constructed commercial building, plumbing issues are to be expected one way or another. From simple clogged drains, leaky faucets, and running toilets to complex piping services and water heater installations, you can rely on the services of Expert Plumbing Service. With over three decades of experience, our family-owned and operated company has handled over 100,000 plumbing jobs in New Lenox, Joliet, and the rest of the Chicago Metropolitan area. We are even featured as a trusted provider on the Village of New Lenox website!

Ask our plumbers about our financing options when you schedule service. Call 815-402-3856 now!

Expert Emergency Plumbers

Over 100,000 Jobs Handled

As the name of our full-service company indicates, we are not just any plumber, we are expert plumbers who have spent many years refining our skills and familiarizing ourselves with different plumbing codes and installations. No matter what plumbing problem you are facing, we are incredibly knowledgeable in diagnosing and determining the causes of even the most perplexing plumbing issues. When you hire us, we make sure that you receive superior craftsmanship along with top-quality parts and materials. A plumber in Joliet from our team will come to your location with a fully stocked truck so your plumbing needs can be attended to on the same day of your call. Our approach is to provide you with a variety of options that can cater to all your plumbing needs including any budget concerns.

To learn more about Expert Plumbing Service or to schedule a service with a licensed plumber, reach out to us at 815-402-3856!

Plumbers Who Care

Our mission to you, our client, is a long-term commitment to your needs using quality material, craftsmanship, and a level of professionalism unsurpassed in the industry.

mother and child cooking in kitchen

Dedicated to Helping Our Customers & Providing Quality Service

Whether you have an unexpected plumbing issue or just need personal service and attention, our expert plumbers are always prepared to save the day! We don’t decide what’s best for our customers, but we do provide them with the viable options they need to make the best choices.

We take pride in our highly skilled plumbers who are all well-versed in a wide range of plumbing solutions that we tailor-fit to your specific needs. Our company even provides continuing education for each of our employees to ensure that you are getting only the most advanced techniques and technology in the plumbing trade.

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